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Monsters in Betrayal

Monster Generation

Zones that don't get unique content inserted into them have a high probability of containing monsters, in one of two basic formats: either monsters waiting around for someone to find them (a normal fight) or monsters that will teleport in around the first hero to wander haplessly into the zone (ambushes).

The random monsters that populate the forest of Betrayal are divided into three categories, based on where they appear: border, middle, or deep (see Creating the Pathing for more information on these categories).  For purposes of XP distribution, border monsters should normally have a level of 1, middle monsters a level of 2, and deep monsters a level of 3.

Border monsters appear in groups of 2-3 for normal fights, 3-4 for ambushes.

Middle monsters appear in groups of 2 for normal fights, 2-3 for ambushes.

Deep monsters appear alone for both normal fights and ambushes.

Only one monster in a fight will drop an item (if one is dropped at all).  Ambushes always drop an item; for regular fights, there's a 25% chance of a drop in border, a 30% chance in middle, and a 50% chance in deep.  Regular fights are also somewhat more common in the border forest and less common in deep forest.

Any given fight will only contain one type of monster (no matter how many individual monsters are present).

Creating Monsters

Currently, there aren't really any specific guidelines on how powerful monsters should be; you'll just need to look at existing monsters for comparison and do playtesting.  However, you should be aware that the main attack types used in this map have been modified to form a basic rock-paper-scissors matrix:

  Light Medium Heavy
Normal 80% 125% 100%
Piercing 125% 100% 80%
Magic 100% 80% 125%

You can undoubtedly guess which of those types is typically associated with each of the standard melee/ranged/caster archetypes, but you're not required to follow those archetypes.

It is also encouraged that deep monsters have some sort of ability that makes running away more difficult (web, slow, etc.), to discourage low-level heroes from running wily-nily through dangerous areas.  However, they should still be possible to escape.

Making Monsters Appear

Sometimes you may want to create special monsters that just get used in unique zones or specific Haunts.  The rest of the time, you probably want to ensure that your monsters have a chance to randomly appear in the forest.  To do this, go to the Common Data Initialization trigger (in the initialization category) and find this section (near the top):

Just add your new monster into the appropriate array of monster types, and increase the NumberOf___MonsterTypes value accordingly.

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